Feel "Meals are Delightful"

Communicating the Potential of Utsuwa, A place for a pleasant meal
Piggy Studio" was built in the image of the brick house in the fairy tale of the three little pigs. Having conveyed the joy of eating, Marmitz Potteri aims to transmit the further possibilities and value of tableware and deliver the charm of mealtime. It is a place where people can enjoy themselves as if they were living in a rustic, warm, and comfortable space that can express the life they yearn for to the fullest extent for this purpose.


Cooking classes and vessel classes will be offered, making the most of the Piggy Studio space. These classes allow participants to experience the pleasure of creating a space and table composed entirely of Marmitu Potteries.
募集中の講座 Courses currently accepting applications

ピギースタジオは目に見える部分はもちろんバックヤードにまでこだわり、細部まで妥協しないからこそどこを抜き取っても可愛いと思える空間。 三角の瓦屋根や、ドアや窓の繊細なデザイン、食器や料理が美しくみえる窓からの自然光。スタジオで過ごす全ての人に、心地よい空間で暮らすように楽しんでいただきたいです。ここでは宿泊だけでなくお食事は料理教室方式で自分たちで作る、体験型の宿泊になっております。
Piggy Studio is a space that looks pretty no matter where you take it out because it does not compromise on any detail, not only in the visible areas but also in the backyard. The triangular tiled roof, the delicate design of the doors and windows, the natural light from the windows that makes the tableware and food look beautiful. We want everyone who spends time in our studio to enjoy living in a comfortable space.The program offers not only lodging, but also hands-on experience in preparing your own meals in a cooking class style.
Stay & Activities

489-0942 愛知県瀬戸市東菱野町145-1
145-1Higashihishinocho,SetoCity,Aichi 489-0942
本社からも車で3分のところにあり、向かいには神社の森が広がる閑静な住宅の中にあるピギースタジオ。 落ち着いた静かな空間をお楽しみください。
The Piggy Studio is located in a quiet residential neighborhood with a shrine forest across the street, just a 3-minute drive from our headquarters. Enjoy the calm and quiet space.